Purpose, an Ongoing Journey

The word ‘purpose’ can refer to the reason why something exists or is done. It could refer to the aim or goal of something or the intentions behind it.

Knowing our purpose can help us to find meaning and direction in life and give us an anchor to hold onto when faced with challenges. Having a purpose is a powerful motivator. It can inspire us to pursue our ambitions and give us the determination to keep going even when faced with setbacks or disappointments.

Knowing our purpose gives us something to strive for and can help us to stay focused and on track. Our purpose can be shaped by our values and beliefs, and the things we care about. It can also be shaped by our experiences, and our desire to make a positive difference.

It is important to remember that our purpose can change over time, and it can evolve as we grow and learn.

Purpose can be found in both big and small things. It can be found in our career choices, our relationships, and the way we live our lives. It can also be found in seemingly insignificant everyday moments, such as making time for a hobby or simply taking a few moments to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Ultimately, discovering and living our purpose is an ongoing journey. It can take time and effort, but it can also be incredibly rewarding.

See our inspirational PURPOSE designs.


One word can be incredibly powerful, often carrying far more meaning than we can imagine. A single word can be enough to evoke strong emotions, capture someone’s attention, or even change the course of history.



