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Sunshine is Essential

We all know that sunshine is essential for our well-being, but do we understand how important it is? Sunshine helps to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and boosts serotonin levels which can help elevate mood and energy.

It also provides us with Vitamin D which has several health benefits including improved bone density, immune system function, and cardiovascular protection among other things.  Sunshine isn't just good for physical health either; spending time outdoors in the sun can be great for mental well-being too!

Exposure to natural light increases productivity while reducing stress hormones such as cortisol making you feel more relaxed and positive about life overall. Being out in nature gives people an opportunity to reconnect with their environment providing them chances they wouldn’t otherwise have had indoors where distractions are so plentiful these days.

Soaking up some rays on those sunny days not only makes us happier physically but mentally as well by helping reduce anxiety or depression symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  

In short - don't underestimate the power of sunlight! Make sure you're getting enough exposure every day if possible - even just 10 minutes outside enjoying the fresh air will make a difference both inside and out when it comes down to taking care of yourself properly.

See our inspirational SUNSHINE designs.